
  1. Introduction
  2. Since lockdown (2020)
  3. Unexpected benefits
  4. Links


When I first started this website, I was at the start of my menopause journey.

I have come a long way since then.

I have learned that that my body doesn’t tolerate HRT (hormones), and so I had to find a natural route.

Before you read on, please note that HRT supports more than just hormone balance. It supports bone and heart health to name but two.

Please seek support from your doctor before making any big changes to your medication and schedule, to ensure that the whole of your person is being supported.

I stress that what I report below is what works for me. We are individuals and this is why menopause is so hard to control. We all react differently. But there are some basic rules that support all of us.

I strongly recommend carrying out your own research to see what works for you. Understanding why vitamins and diet work is half the battle with the mindset.

To support me, my partner also follows the suggestions below – tailored to his needs. He admits he feels a million times better for it. He’s losing weight, doesn’t over-heat like he used to, and has fewer aches and pains.

The following details my journey from 2020. With links to the Fiesty Four hormones, Vitamins and Diet

Since lockdown (2020)

I visited three doctors at my surgery about menopause. I also tried a food specialist, essentially for my depression and lipodema, but menopause was also covered. And finally a menopause specialist.

They all tried to help, but nothing worked, or at least not in a prolonged manner. The food specialist did at least point me down a natural path, where the others all pointed me to HRT.

In March 2020, my doctor suggested I needed meds for high blood pressure. I’ve never really been great with medication, so I was very reluctant because of known side effects. As we headed into lockdown, she agreed that I could have until we came out of lockdown again to bring my blood pressure down myself.

In desperation, I called my friend. She is a Health Advisor in training, and a mother of three autistic children. She has had great success using diet and supplements to help support her childrens’ specific needs. This has led her down the Health Advisor route, and she offered to support me. She did not disappoint.

Unexpected benefits

It’s only recently that I have noticed other benefits of my diet and vitamin changes. The following have also cleared up

  • Sensitive teeth
  • Joint pain
  • Rosacea on my cheeks
  • Acne
  • Eczema on my elbows
  • Hay fever

Below are links to the various vitamins and diet options I now live by.

The trick to success is to change things gradually.

Make one change a week or a month until it becomes second nature. Then move on to the next one.